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Plugin Installation

  1. Launch Consulo
  2. File menu -> Settings
  3. Under Platform and Plugins
  4. Look for Unity3D, and ensure that it is selected.

If the Unity3D option is not present, do the following:

  1. Select the From Repository tab
  2. Search for Unity3D install plugin with dependencies
  3. Once everything has been installed, close the settings window and restart Consulo.

Locating the Unity SDK

Note: If Unity3D is installed to its default location, Consulo will locate it automatically and this step may be skipped.

  1. Bring up the Consulo Launcher
  2. Select Configure
  3. Select Settings (or Preferences on macOS)
  4. On the left, under SDKs/Bundles/Tools
  5. Press the green (black on OS X) icon, and choose Unity3D
  6. Locate your Unity installation directory, select it and then press OK

All set! 👍

Manually Importing a Unity Project

  1. From the File menu, select Open or Import project
  2. Select the root directory of your Unity Project, press OK
  3. You'll be prompted to “Open or Import project” (choose Unity3D if needed), then OK
  4. On the next window, ensure the correct Unity SDK is selected, and press Finish

The project is now opened in Consulo

Configuring Consulo as the external script editor for Unity

  1. Launch Unity Editor
  2. From the Edit menu, select Preferences
  3. Select the External Tools tab
  4. Click on the the External Editor drop-down box, and select Browse
  5. Locate your Consulo installation directory, and select the Consulo executable file.
  6. For example: Consulo\consulo64.exe or for macOS
  7. Once complete, the drop-down box should say “Consulo“
  8. Select the Editor Attaching checkbox
  9. Close the settings window

  10. Require installed Consulo plugin for UnityEditor. Read README from

Now whenever you double-click a script from within Unity or right-click and select Edit Script, Consulo will be launched and the specific script file will be opened.