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Update Settings

Update Settings is the page for configuring updates Consulo.

Update Channels

Repository Settings

  • Enable Updates? Whether to check for updates from the web.
  • Channel The update channel to use.

    Consulo has four public update channels:

    • release (every monday new builds come at 00:00)
    • beta (every day new builds come at 00:00)
    • alpha (by hand on my own will (@VISTALL))
    • nightly (after each commit to platform or plugin)

    Update Channels

Updating on a Different Channel

To update on a different channel, change the Channel setting, and then click Help -> Check for Update.

If you would only like to use this channel once, you can then switch the Channel setting back to the previous choice.


In nightly and alpha channels sometimes plugins don't have builds for the new platform. (For example if compilation failed.)

Keep calm - Consulo do not allow update, if some plugins missed, you will get warning about it.